Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Paleo-ish Challenge!

At our gym, we are doing a food challenge for the month of January- into Feb. It is called the Dinosaur and Neanderthal Food Challenge!! As part of this challenge, we are tasked to eat a paleo-ish diet. The "ish" I refer to is that we can add beans, brown rice, quinoa and some protein powder before/after workouts. There are some other flexibility but Ill keep it short and simple. You get 1 point for working out, 1 point for getting 6-8 hrs of sleep, 1 point for drinking your body weight divided by 2 - ounces of water per day and 1 point for not eating 2 hours before you sleep. You lose points by eating most grains, alcohol, dairy and sugar!

For our first night of the challenge, I made a yummy garlic roast and Stephen made some mixed veggies. Delicious! Maybe this won't be as hard as we thought?

1 comment:

  1. I think after your vegan challenge last year, this one should be a breeze :-)
